Thursday, January 9, 2025
By Tallahassee Sun | Sep 29, 2020
Jordan Sonnier contributed $50 to the Committee for Anesthesia Safety on September 28.
Walter B. Flesner III contributed $25 to the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association - PAC, a political action committee, on September 28.
Wendy Bloomquist contributed $25 to the Committee for Anesthesia Safety on September 28.
Rick Kozell for Florida received $1,500 in contributions during the week ending August 15.
Alliance For Honest Government received $2,000 in contributions during the week ending August 8.
Porcase, JR. Frederic, F. contributed $25 to the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association - PAC, a political action committee, on September 28.
Douglas Trowbridge Elliman III contributed $25 to the Realtors Political Advocacy Committee on September 28.
Frank Ross Ebert contributed $144 to the Florida Medical Association Political Action Committee on September 28.
Gulf Coast Conservatives Fund received $10,030 in contributions during the week ending August 15.
Floridians for a Stronger Democracy contributed $2,500 to Citizens for Integrity in Government on August 12.
Ary Krau contributed $500 to the Committee for Anesthesia Safety on September 28.
Megan Verdoni contributed $25 to Florida Academy of Physician Assistants, Inc., PC on September 28.
Florida's Cardiology PAC contributed $2,000 to Conservatives For Principled Leadership on September 28.
Pamela Gail Freeman contributed $345 to the Florida Medical Association Political Action Committee on September 28.
Insurance 1st East Coast Corp. contributed $50 to the FAIAPAC, a political action committee, on August 12.
William S. Farish contributed $5,000 to Conservative Legacy Fund on September 28.
By Metric Media News Service | Sep 29, 2020
Kurt Spitzer & Associates, Inc. in Tallahassee enlisted one registered lobbyist during 2019, according to data from Florida’s Lobbyist Registration Office.
Accountability In Government, Inc. received $15,000 in contributions during the week ending August 8.
Sean Shaw for Florida contributed $2,500 to Florida 2020 on August 13.
Tanenbaum-Harber of Florida LLC contributed $1,625 to the FAIAPAC, a political action committee, on August 12.